gentle on my mind

gentle on my mind

Gentle on my mind is geschreven door John Hartford en in 1967 door Campbell naar nummer 1 gezongen. Voor mij is dit een klein toppuntje in bluegrasscountry dat klinkt als een bel en dat luistert als een klok mede door de kwalitatief hoogstaande text.

It’s knowing that your door is always open
And your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleeping bag
Rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it’s knowing I’m not shackled
By forgotten words and bonds
And the ink stains that have dried upon some line
That keeps you in the backroads
By the rivers of my mem’ry
That keeps you ever gentle on my mind
It’s not clinging to the rocks and ivy
Planted on their columns now that binds me
Or something that somebody said
Because they thought we fit together walking
It’s just knowing that the world will not be cursing
Or forgiving when I walk along some railroad track and find 
That you are moving on the backroads
By the rivers of my mem’ry
And for hours you’re just gentle on my mind
Though the wheat fields and the clothes lines
And the junkyards and the highways come between us
And some other woman crying to her mother
‘Cause she turned and I was gone
I still might run in silence tears of joy might stain my face
And the summer sun might burn me ’til I’m blind
But not to where I cannot see you walkin’ on the backroads
By the rivers flowing gentle on my mind
I dip my cup of soup back from the gurglin’
Cracklin’ caldron in some train yard
My beard a-rufflin’cold cowl
A dirty hat pulled low across my face
Through cupped hands ‘round a tin can
I pretend I hold you to my breast and find
That you’re waving from the backroads
By the rivers of my mem’ry
Ever smilin’ ever gentle on my mind

Een greep uit de schier oneindige vertolkingen.

Gentle on my mind door Glen Campbell

Gentle on my mind door mister Cool, Dean Martin

Gentle on my mind door The Mavericks

Gentle on my mind door 3rd time out

Gentle on my mind door John Hartford

Gentle on my mind door Bryan Sutton met band Tom O’Brien

Gentle on my mind door Andy Williams en Aretha Franklin, ebony and ivory avant la lettre

Gentle on my mind door Lucinda Williams

Gentle on my mind door Tammy Wynette

Gentle on my mind door Frank Sinatra

Gentle on my mind door The Mosier Brothers

Gentle on my mind door Terri Clark

Gentle on my mind door Patty Page

Gentle on my mind door Joan Baez

Gentle on my mind door The King

Gentle on my mind door Mike Denver

Gentle on my mind door Judy Lynn

Gentle on my mind door Ray McVay and Orchestra

Gentle on my mind door Roy Clark

Gentle on my mind door Roger Whittaker

Gentle on my mind door Ray Conniff

Gentle on my mind door Luka Bloom

Gentle on my mind door Paul Anka

Gentle on my mind door Tom Jones

Gentle on my mind door The Mills Bothers/Count Basie

Gentle on my mind door Pat Sandy, nice KingstonVersion

Gentle on my mind door Paolo Sgallini, mediterraanse versie met 1man-band

Gentle on my mind door Dr. Spock, opmerkelijke TrekkiesVersie

Gentle on my mind door Lisa Ono

Gentle on my mind door Noel Harrison

Gentle on my mind door Lynn Anderson

Gentle on my mind door the one and only Viktor Silvester

Gentle on my mind door Lenny Dee

Gentle on my mind door Lana Cantrell

Gentle on my mind door Lucinda Williams

Gentle on my mind door Engelbert Humperdinck

Gentle on my mind door Tony Borders

Gentle on my mind door The Man in Black

Gentle on my mind door Danny Vera




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